Voya Financial Inc (STU:V0Y)
€ 65.5 1 (1.55%) Market Cap: 6.33 Bil Enterprise Value: 10.22 Bil PE Ratio: 10.92 PB Ratio: 1.41 GF Score: 78/100

Voya Financial Inc at Bank of America Insurance Conference (Virtual) Transcript

Feb 16, 2022 / 06:55PM GMT
Release Date Price: €63 (+3.28%)
Joshua Shanker
BofA Securities, Research Division - MD

Hello, everyone. We had a few technical difficulties, but we are back live at the 2022 Bank of America U.S. Insurance Conference live from Battery Park City. I would just say, One Bryant Park in New York City. We're here joined by Voya. We have a little bit of technical difficulty. Rod Martin, CEO and Chairman is just joining us audio only. Mike Smith, Vice Chairman and CFO. He's on video. And I have a bunch of questions, but I thought I would just give you a few minutes for some opening commentary, Rod, if you want to take the queue. Go right ahead.

Rod Martin
Voya Financial, Inc. - Chairman & CEO

Thank you. Good afternoon, everyone. And again, I sincerely apologize for the delay. So I'll be very brief. We were anxious to be part of this. We're thrilled to be part of this. We laid out our plan at Investor Day. We are very excited about what we laid out. We finished strong in 2021 and feel very, very comfortable about the momentum, the focus and the execution that we believe we're going to deliver in

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