Komplett ASA (OSTO:KOMPLo)
kr 52.73458 0 (0%) Market Cap: 1.46 Bil Enterprise Value: 2.53 Bil PE Ratio: 0 PB Ratio: 0.58 GF Score: 73/100

Q3 2023 Komplett ASA Earnings Call Transcript

Oct 26, 2023 / 07:00AM GMT
Release Date Price: kr52.73
Kristin Hovland

Good morning from a beautiful fall morning here in Oslo. I want to welcome you to the presentation of Komplett Group's third quarter results. My name is Kristin Hovland, and I'm Head of Communications. We will start today's presentation with Jaan Ivar Semlitsch, our CEO. He will present some highlights for the quarter. Then our CFO, Thomas Røkke, will give you some more details about the financials. And at the end, at the presentation, Jaan Ivar will summarize the quarter and give you some perspectives on the future. Today's presentation will take approximately 20 minutes. And during the presentation, you are welcome to post questions via web. And then we will answer them at the end, together with questions from the audience. So, Jaan Ivar, the floor is yours.

Jaan Ivar Semlitsch
Komplett ASA - CEO

Thank you, Kristin. Good morning here from Oslo. I'm very happy to announce the results today. We have good progress, and I believe we are on track on many dimensions. First of all, we can demonstrate the top line growth and with good margin expansion and

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