Silver One Resources Inc (LTS:0THK)
C$ 0.1775 0 (0%) Market Cap: 52.43 Mil Enterprise Value: 48.66 Mil PE Ratio: 0 PB Ratio: 1.23 GF Score: 34/100

Silver One Resources Inc A Spinoff of Keith Neumeyer's First Mining Finance Transcript

Feb 05, 2020 / NTS GMT
Greg Crowe
Silver One Resources Inc. - President, CEO & Director

We did a deal to acquire 100% interest in the past producing Candelaria Silver Mine in Nevada. And then more recently, last year, we actually went out and staked a new prospect in eastern Nevada, which is coming back with some very surprising high-grade silver, gold, and copper values.

Chris Marcus
Arcadia Economics - Moderator

Hello there, my friends. Chris Marcus here with you for Arcadia Economics. We're at the Vancouver Resources Investment Conference, and I'm excited to catch up with Greg Crowe of Silver One Resources who, couple of our audience members have been writing in and asking about. So it was quite a pleasure to see your booth here and catch up with you in person. So how are you doing so far today, Greg?

Greg Crowe
Silver One Resources Inc. - President, CEO & Director

Good, Chris. Thank you very much for taking the time and having you chat with us.

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