GT Biopharma Inc (LTS:0RU9)
€ 1147194 0 (0%) Market Cap: 6.53 Mil Enterprise Value: -2.99 Mil PE Ratio: 0 PB Ratio: 3.20 GF Score: 34/100

GT Biopharma Inc at LD Micro Main Event Transcript

Oct 26, 2022 / 11:30PM GMT
Release Date Price: €1147194
Unidentified Participant

From GT Biopharma, I'd like to introduce to you, Mr. Michael Breen.

Michael Breen
GT Biopharma, Inc. - Executive Chairman & Interim CEO

Good afternoon, everyone, and thank you so much for making the time to come and listen to our presentation and showing an interest in our company. We're very, very grateful for that.

Okay. So GT Biopharma, my name is Michael Breen. I am the Executive Chairman and Interim CEO of GT Biopharma. I originally came across GT Biopharma as an investment for myself personally, I invest in the company back in 2017. I've been a shareholder since then and have not sold one single share, and currently have no intention of doing so moving forward.

My background is that I am an attorney by training. I practice as an attorney for 20 years as a partner in the Global Law Practice and pivoted from there to join into a private bank where I was Managing Director. We grew that business and ultimately dispose of it to BNP Paribas, and from there onwards, I became somewhat of a company doctor and also a Non-Exec

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