HCA Healthcare Inc (LTS:0J1R)
$ 304.3601 1.1101 (0.37%) Market Cap: 77.16 Bil Enterprise Value: 122.13 Bil PE Ratio: 13.68 PB Ratio: 0 GF Score: 95/100

HCA Healthcare Inc at UBS Global Healthcare Conference Transcript

May 21, 2019 / 05:30PM GMT
Release Date Price: $127.27 (+2.04%)
Benjamin Whitman Mayo
UBS Investment Bank, Research Division - Equity Research Analyst of Healthcare Facilities and Managed Care

Afternoon. I'm Whit Mayo, Senior Healthcare Facilities Analyst (inaudible) at UBS. It's my pleasure to have the leadership team from HCA. Representing the company, we have Sam Hazen and Chris Wyatt, Mark Kimbrough in the audience.

Questions & Answers

Benjamin Whitman Mayo
UBS Investment Bank, Research Division - Equity Research Analyst of Healthcare Facilities and Managed Care

Thought we might just get kicked off here. Sam, I think one of the more recent notable acquisitions or developments has been the announcement to acquire the Galen school of nursing. Maybe just spend a minute talking about what does transaction means to you. I don't think it's the first time you've talked about some affiliation with a larger nurse organization in the past, just how you think about this in terms of your enterprise-wide nursing strategy.

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