Moderna Inc (LTS:0A45)
$ 39.3575 -1.0175 (-2.51%) Market Cap: 15.50 Bil Enterprise Value: 9.98 Bil PE Ratio: 0 PB Ratio: 1.30 GF Score: 58/100

Moderna Inc Vaccines Day Transcript

Apr 11, 2023 / 01:00PM GMT
Release Date Price: $152.24 (-1.63%)
Stephane Bancel
Moderna, Inc. - CEO & Director

Good morning or good afternoon. Welcome to Moderna Fourth Vaccine Day, a welcome back. For those of you that are here in town, you have the bonus of having a beautiful spring day. So on behalf of the team, welcome. Before we start, let me just remind you that we'll be making today forward-looking statements that investing in Moderna involves risk. You can find those statements or various factors on our website or SEC filings. So I think you will agree with me that if you think about the last 100 or 150 years, the impact that vaccine had on humanity has been already profound.

The health impact, obviously, reduction of disease, eradication of some diseases, some prevention of cancer, huge long-term benefit to people. The social impact and also, of course, the economic impact. If you look at this interesting data on Slide 4, the CDC has estimated that children born in the U.S. between '94 and 2013 has seen a prevention of more than 700,000 deaths in the U.S. And if you globally, most probably vaccine is the best return on investment for health care

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