South32 Ltd (JSE:S32)
R 39.4 0.4 (1.03%) Market Cap: 177.95 Bil Enterprise Value: 191.62 Bil PE Ratio: 0 PB Ratio: 1.15 GF Score: 81/100

South32 Ltd at Bank of America Global Metal & Mining Conference Transcript

May 16, 2023 - May 18, 2023 / 12:30PM GMT
Release Date Price: R51.1 (-0.66%)
Chen Jiang

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Chen Jiang. And I work in the Australian metals and mining research team at Bank of America in Sydney, Australia. I am very pleased to introduce our next company, South32. Presenting from South32, we have Graham Kerr, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director. Graham was appointed CEO of South32 in 2014 and led the company through the demerger from BHP in 2015. Prior to this, Graham joined BHP in 1994 and was appointed Chief Financial Officer of BHP in 2011.

We will be having a fireside chat with Graham, and we can also take questions from the floor.

Questions & Answers

Chen Jiang;Graham Kerr

Hi, Graham. Our conference team this year is pivot to growth. South32 has been increasing its base metal exposures since the demerger. Can you please talk us through what the portfolio looks like today both in terms of commodities and geographical preference compared with the portfolio you inherited back then? And how do you see this evolving further?

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