Reinsurance Group of America Inc (FRA:RGPB)
€ 212 2 (0.95%) Market Cap: 13.98 Bil Enterprise Value: 13.94 Bil PE Ratio: 20.08 PB Ratio: 1.29 GF Score: 80/100

Reinsurance Group of America Inc Investor Day Transcript

Jun 06, 2019 / 12:30PM GMT
Release Date Price: €132.94 (+0.39%)
J. Jeffrey Hopson
Reinsurance Group of America, Incorporated - SVP - IR

Good morning, everyone. We're going to get started. I'm Jeff Hopson, Head of Investor Relations for RGA.

We welcome you to our Annual Investor Day. We appreciate your ongoing interest.

Before we get going, I want to remind you that we will make statements and discuss certain topics during the presentation that contain forward-looking information, including investment performance, statements related to the projections of revenues of RGA, future financial performance and growth potential.

Keep in mind that actual results could differ materially from expected results. A list of important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expected results is included in the slide.

Additionally, during the course of the meeting, we will make comments on pretax and after-tax operating income and operating return on equity, which are considered non-GAAP measures under SEC regulations. We believe that these measures better reflect the ongoing profitability and underlying trends of our

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