Midsona AB (FRA:9KF)
€ 0.653 0 (0%) Market Cap: 99.69 Mil Enterprise Value: 145.30 Mil PE Ratio: 51.30 PB Ratio: 0.57 GF Score: 62/100

Q2 2022 Midsona AB Earnings Call Transcript

Jul 20, 2022 / 09:00AM GMT
Release Date Price: €2.05 (-7.03%)

Welcome to the Midsona audiocast teleconference Q2 2022. Today, I am pleased to present CEO, Peter Ãsberg, and CFO, Max Bokander. (Operator Instructions) I'll now hand the floor to Peter Ãsberg. Please begin your meeting.

Peter Ãsberg
Midsona AB - CEO

Thank you so much for attending this call. Let's go immediately to page number 2 in the presentation. I would just like to make you aware that this presentation may contain forward-looking statements and that it's also based on current expectations and are subject to risks and uncertainties.

And by that, we get into the presentation on page number 3. And the second quarter was a challenging quarter for Midsona as we were very hard hit by severe cost inflation. That said, we have been, and we have continued to execute our plan with the objective to step by step restore the margins and ultimately to surpass previous margin levels. And this is something that we are now working very, very hard on. And I would say that despite the tough situation, we are starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel and

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