Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (FRA:5G6)
€ 4.7115 0 (0%) Market Cap: 489.19 Mil Enterprise Value: 1.33 Bil PE Ratio: 0 PB Ratio: 0.51 GF Score: 71/100

Artis Real Estate Investment Trust Annual Shareholders Meeting Transcript

Jun 13, 2019 / 04:00PM GMT
Edward L. Warkentin
Artis Real Estate Investment Trust - Chairman of the Board

Good morning, everyone, and welcome here. Many of you have traveled quite a distance to be here today, and I thank you for joining us on this beautiful Manitoba morning, and we've got some beautiful exotic Manitoba flowers that you can enjoy. So thank you Darlene for that. This is the Annual Meeting of the Unitholders of Artis REIT. My name is Ed Warkentin, and I am the Board Chair.

Today's meeting will consist of 2 parts. The first part will be the formal business part and will deal with the matters set out in the agenda in the Management Information Circular. In the second part, Armin Martens, our CEO, will address the meeting and respond to your questions. If required meeting materials, which include the agenda, the info circ and annual report, together with the 2018 consolidated financial statements can be found on the table near the entrance to the room.

At the outset, I would like to introduce those of the senior management team who are in attendance today, and I would ask that you please identify

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