Western Digital Corp (BSP:W1DC34)
R$ 376.17 0 (0%) Market Cap: 130.05 Bil Enterprise Value: 166.67 Bil PE Ratio: 39.07 PB Ratio: 1.90 GF Score: 63/100

Western Digital Corp at Deutsche Bank Technology Conference Transcript

Aug 31, 2023 / 08:15PM GMT
Release Date Price: R$192.93
Shek Ming Ho
Deutsche Bank AG, Research Division - Director & Senior Analyst

Okay. Well, good afternoon, everyone. I am Sidney Ho here covering semiconductor, semi-cap equipment and IT hardware at Deutsche Bank.

The next company we have is Western Digital. It's my pleasure to introduce Western Digital's CEO, David Goeckeler. Welcome.

David V. Goeckeler
Western Digital Corporation - CEO & Director

Thank you, Sidney. It's great to be here. Thanks for having me.

Shek Ming Ho
Deutsche Bank AG, Research Division - Director & Senior Analyst

Great. Before we start, I'll turn it over to Peter to read the safe harbor.

T. Peter Andrew
Western Digital Corporation - VP of IR

Okay. Well, thank you, everybody. Today, we will be making forward-looking statements based on current assumptions and expectations. And I ask that you refer to our most recent annual report on Form 10-K and our other filings with the SEC for more information on the risks and

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