Sealed Air Corp (BSP:S1EA34)
R$ 217.14 0 (0%) Market Cap: 31.64 Bil Enterprise Value: 57.78 Bil PE Ratio: 12.24 PB Ratio: 6.29 GF Score: 75/100

Sealed Air Corp at Jefferies Industrials Conference Transcript

Aug 09, 2022 / 12:00PM GMT
Release Date Price: R$311.51
Philip H. Ng
Jefferies LLC, Research Division - Senior Research Analyst & Equity Analyst

Delighted to have you join us today at Jefferies Industrial Conference. We have Sealed Air up first. Representing the company, we have Chris Stephens, the CFO; and Emile Chammas, the Chief Operating Officer. And I'll hand it off to Chris now. Thanks a lot, guys.

Christopher J. Stephens
Sealed Air Corporation - Senior VP & CFO

Thanks, Phil. Good morning, everyone. Thanks for joining us. Okay. So myself and Emile, we're going to tag team through the presentation, hopefully allow time for some Q&A as we get to it.

Let me start off with the safe harbor and Regulation G statement. We will be making forward-looking statements. We do use non-GAAP measures, so we do encourage investors to take a look at our website for some reconciling information. We feel that these better represents our operating -- core operating results of the company.

Turning to the SEE company overview. We're based in Charlotte, North Carolina. We have over 16,000 employees.

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