Tom Russo

Tom Russo

Gardner Russo & Quinn LLC
Last update 2024-08-13 77 Stocks (2 new)
Value $9.47 Bil Turnover 2 %
Portfolio Report

Tom Russo Profile

Thomas A. Russo joined Gardner Investments as a partner in 1989. In 2014, Mr. Russo became the Managing Member of the firm. Mr. Russo serves as Managing Member of Gardner Russo & Quinn LLC and of Semper Vic Partners GP, LP, which oversees two "global value," long-only, equity investment partnerships, the first of which Mr. Russo founded in 1983. Mr. Russo oversees more than $8 billion distributed between Semper Vic partnerships and separate accounts managed in parallel fashion.

Tom Russo Investing Philosophy

His investment philosophy emphasizes return on invested capital, principally through equity investments. His approach to stock selection stresses two main points: value and price. He looks for companies with strong cash-flow characteristics, where large amounts of "free" cash flow are generated. Portfolio companies tend to have strong balance sheets and a history of producing high rates of return on their assets.
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