Philippe Laffont

Last update 2024-11-14 81 Stocks (14 new)
Value $26.92 Bil Turnover 19 %
Portfolio Report

Philippe Laffont Profile

Coatue Management is a private hedge fund sponsor that is wholly owned by its employees and is headquartered in New York. A former student of Julian Robertson's Tiger Management, Philippe Laffont founded Coatue in 1999. The firm, which has additional offices in Edison, New Jersey and Menlo Park, California, is best known for its tech-focused hedge fund, providing its services to pooled investment vehicles as well as launching and managing various hedge funds for its clients.

Philippe Laffont Investing Philosophy

Coatue Management utilizes a fundamental analysis with both long and short strategies and top-down stock picking in order to create and manage its portfolios. Coatue invests primarily in US and non-US publicly traded equity securities and related securities, although it also invests in hedging markets and private equity including equity swaps and options.
The firm has the majority of its assets invested in the information technology sector, which along makes up over half of its total allocated assets, and also invests in consumer discretionary, the next most heavily invested that makes up a third of its total invested assets, and health care, utilities and telecommunications, and energy, among others, listed in order of amount allocated.
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