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Last update 2024-11-14 | 151 Stocks (17 new) |
Value $20.26 Bil | Turnover 10 % |
Portfolio Report |
Farallon Capital Management is an investment management based out of San Francisco. The company was founded in 1986 and has been registered with the SEC since 1990. The company has expanded internally since its inception to now have offices in London, Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Sao Paulo. Farallon Capital Management utilizes a fundamental analysis with a bottom up investment approach to achieve superior risk adjusted returns. The execution of its investment methodology is highly flexible, allowing the company to shift its assets among its strategies, asset classes, and geographies based on various opportunities. The company currently has 160 employees with 74 of them being investment professionals. Farallon Capital Management is owned by its employees with Andrew J. Spokes and Daniel K. Goldberg holding the highest ownership in the company with the remaining ownership split among key executives. Farallon Capital Management invests most heavily in the consumer discretionary sector, which alone makes up almost a third of its total asset allocations, and also invests in the health care, finance, information technology, industrials, and energy sectors, among others to a lesser degree, in order of decreasing allocation. The company currently holds over $24.5 billion in total assets under management spread across 43 accounts, all of which are discretionary. Both its total number of accounts and total assets under management have been increasing in recent years with its total number of accounts growing from 29 five years ago to its current amount and its total managed assets growing from $21 billion back in 2010 to its current amount. Farallon Capital Management caters almost exclusively to pooled investment vehicles although it does provide its services to other clientele to a lesser degree. The company currently operates with five core investment strategies: Credit Investments, Long/Short Equity, Merger Arbitrage, Real Estate Investments, and Direct Investments.
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