Dana Investment Advisors, Inc.

Dana Investment Advisors, Inc.
Last update 2024-11-13 530 Stocks (32 new)
Value $3.02 Bil Turnover 4 %
Portfolio Report

Dana Investment Advisors, Inc. Profile

Dana Investment Advisors, Inc. is an investment management firm based out of Brookfield, Wisconsin. The company was originally established in 1980 and has grown to have an additional location in Seattle, Washington. Dana Investment Advisors operates with 39 employees of which 12 are investment professionals and is headed by CEO, COO, and treasurer Mark R. Mirsberger. The company conducts its research internally, utilizing a fundamental methodology to make its investment decisions. Dana Investment Advisors invests in the value and growth stocks of small and large cap companies, allocating its assets in the public equity and fixed income markets within the United States with a top down and bottom up approach. The company invests most heavily in the consumer discretionary and information technology sectors, each of which makes up over a sixth of the firm’s total asset allocations, and also invests in the finance, health care, consumer staples, industrials, energy, and utilities and telecommunications sectors, among other sectors to a lesser degree, in order of decreasing allocation. Dana Investment Advisors holds its allocations for 8.2 quarters on average although the firm only holds its top 10 holdings, which make up just under a fifth of its total allocations, for 2.8 quarters on average. In the most recent quarter, Dana Investment Advisors had a turnover rate of approximately 23.1%. The company manages over $6.6 billion in total assets under management spread across over 2,100 accounts, all of which are discretionary except for 33 which make up $2.6 billion of its total managed assets. Although Dana Investment Advisor’s total number of accounts has been decreasing in recent years, its total assets under management has been on an upward trend despite slight volatility, growing from $2.3 billion back in 2010 to approaching three times that amount today. The company currently offers its Large Cap Equity and Small Cap Equity mutual funds.
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