AEGON USA Investment Management, LLC

AEGON USA Investment Management, LLC
Last update 2024-10-15 21 Stocks (3 new)
Value $114.00 Mil Turnover 1 %
Portfolio Report

AEGON USA Investment Management, LLC Profile

Aegon USA Investment Management acts as an investment vehicle for its parent company Aegon USA and various related companies under the Aegon umbrella, acting officially as a subsidiary of Aegon USA Asset Management Holding LLC. The company can trace its history back to the 1950s with a predecessor registered investment advisor corporation established 1989. The current Aegon USA Investment Management has been a SEC registered investment advisor since 2001 and has current main office locations in Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Chicago, Illinois; and Baltimore, Maryland. Aegon USA Investment Management currently has approximately 370 employees with 65 of them being investment professionals. The company, as of 2015, has over $141 billion in total assets under management that are spread across almost 285 accounts, with all but 2 of the accounts being discretionary. While the total number of accounts that the company holds has not made any significant changes in the past five years, its total assets under management has increased from its $92.9 billion amount to one and a half times that today. The majority of Aegon USA Investment Management’s clients are insurance companies and investment companies, which each make up almost a third of its total client base, and also includes pooled investment vehicles, investment advisors, state or municipal government entities, corporations or other businesses, charitable organizations, pension and profit sharing plans, and banking or thrift institutions, among others, in order of decreasing clientele. Almost all of its assets are invested in the financial sectors, which alone makes up over 95% of its total vested assets, and also includes, to a much lesser degree, investments in the utilities, technology, capital goods, services, consumer cyclical, and health care sectors, in order of decreasing amount allocated. The company offers institutional advised products including Emerging Markets Global Diversified, Global High Yield Fixed Income, Investment Grade Credit Fixed, and Leveraged Loans, among others.
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