Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units Held Off the Market and Usual Residence Elsewhere in the United States : 1026 (As of 2024-07-01)
Historical Data
Basic Info
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units Held Off the Market and Usual Residence Elsewhere in the United States was 1026 as of 2024-07-01, according to United States Census Bureau. Historically, Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units Held Off the Market and Usual Residence Elsewhere in the United States reached a record high of 1577 and a record low of 876, the median value is 1209. Typical value range is from 1 to 1. The Year-Over-Year growth is -10.13%. GuruFocus provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units Held Off the Market and Usual Residence Elsewhere in the United States - last updated on 2024-07-01.
The Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units Held Off the Market and Usual Residence Elsewhere in the United States measures the number of residential units that are vacant, not currently listed for sale or rent, and are either held off the market or are usually occupied by someone who resides elsewhere most of the time. For example, a beach cottage occupied at the time of the interview by a family which has a usual place of residence in the city is included in the count of vacant units. Their house in the city would be reported "occupied" and would be included in the count of occupied units since the occupants are only temporarily absent. Units occupied by persons with usual residence elsewhere (URE) are further classified as seasonal vacant or year round vacant units.
Quarterly, not seasonally adjusted.
Category | Production & Business Activity |
Region | USA |
Source | United States Census Bureau |
Name | Value | ||
Last Value | 1026 | ||
Latest Period | 2024-07-01 | ||
Long Term Average | 1,270.02 | ||
Average Annualized Growth Rate | -0.42% | ||
Value from 1 year ago | 1142 | ||
Change from 1 year ago | -10.16% | ||
Frequency | Quarterly | ||
Unit | Thousands | ||
Download Source | EUREUSQ176N.txt |