Apr 26, 2023 / 04:00PM GMT
Bobby Kraft - PlantMicroCap - Moderator
Hi, everybody. I'd like to introduce our next presenter here on the Top Tier Track moderated by Maj Soueidan at GeoInvesting.com. I'd like to introduce CreditRiskMonitor, the team. Mike, Jerry, let's do this. Here you go, Maj.
Maj Soueidan - GeoInvesting.com - Moderator
Thank you, Bobby. Thank you for being here, and this is [CreditRiskMonitor], CRMZ. So this is a really interesting company here. They help their customers value risk in some parts of the business. We're going to get into that that. You haven't done one these ever in a long time?
Mike Flum - CreditRiskMonitor.com, Inc. - President & CEO
We don't really do much on the IR front. Honestly, we're of the opinion that if we get our revenue metrics up, all of you guys will find us on screens anyway. So to be honest with you, we don't really talk very much.
Questions and Answers:
Maj Soueidan - GeoInvesting.com - ModeratorWell, we've got a lot of questions, then