Mar 09, 2021 / 06:30PM GMT
Curtis Smyser Nagle - BofA Securities, Research Division - VP
Good afternoon, everyone. Thanks. My name is Curt Nagle. I'm the hardlines analyst here at Bank of America, that covers the bedding and home furnishing space. I'm very pleased to welcome today Purple CEO, Joe Megibow; and CFO, Craig Phillips, who, over the past couple of years, have transformed Purple from a small unprofitable bedding company with a good product and brand, to are very profitable and high-growth company that should have years of expansion ahead of it.
Before we start with some of the more specific questions, Craig and Joe, and thank you very much for joining us.
Questions and Answers:
Curtis Smyser Nagle - BofA Securities, Research Division - VPOn Purple in the industry as a whole, our team has a series of 5 questions that we've been asking our participants at the conference that I just wanted to quickly go over. The first is on the demand environment and the transition from a post-COVID environment.
Bedding industry has been on absolute fire over the past