Sep 09, 2020 / 12:55PM GMT
Asiya Merchant - Citigroup Inc., Research Division - VP & Analyst
Good morning, everyone. This is Asiya Merchant. I'm here at Citi Research and glad to have Andy Kramer, IR; as well as Colin Angle, who's the CEO; Julie Zeiler, CFO, of iRobot Corporation.
A few housekeeping items before we begin the fireside chat. There are a few disclosures associated with this for you to review. All clients are subject to MiFID II agreements. If you have any questions around those agreements, please reach out to your Citi salesperson.
We have a few prepared questions here for Colin and Julie. However, if there are additional questions that investors would like to ask, please e-mail myself, Asiya Merchant, [email protected].
So with that, good morning, Colin, Julie, Andy. Great to see you guys here this morning.
Questions and Answers:
Asiya Merchant - Citigroup Inc., Research Division - VP & AnalystSo let's just jump right here into Q&A. Going into the pandemic and as we've gone through the first half of this calendar year,