Sep 04, 2019 / 01:30PM GMT
Asiya Merchant - Citigroup Inc, Research Division - Research Analyst
Welcome to Citigroup's 26th Annual Technology Conference. Today is Day 1. My name is Asiya Merchant, I work at Citi Research in the tech hardware team. And with me to my right is Colin Angle. He's CEO of iRobot Corporation and to his right is Andrew. He is IR of iRobot Corporation.
So we have a bunch of fireside chat questions lined up, I'm going to kick it off. Since this is being webcast, I would request if you have a question, please do press the button on these microphones that are ahead of you when it turns red. You're able to ask the questions just so that people on the webcast could also hear you.
So with that, let's kick it off. Thank you for coming Colin.
Colin M. Angle - iRobot Corporation - Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO
My pleasure.
Questions and Answers:
Asiya Merchant - Citigroup Inc, Research Division - Research AnalystI'm going to ask with, obviously, the topic of tariffs, which is on top of mind of pretty