Jun 11, 2019 / 07:00PM GMT
Shlomo H. Rosenbaum - Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated, Research Division - MD
Thank you very much. My name is Shlomo Rosenbaum, business services analyst for Stifel. I've covered Willis Towers Watson and predecessor companies Towers Watson and then Watson Wyatt going back about 11 years now. I want to thank Mike Burwell, Chief Financial Officer, for being here.
I'm going to try and make this as interactive as possible. I have a list of questions myself I want to ask him, but I definitely encourage investor participation.
Questions and Answers:
Shlomo H. Rosenbaum - Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated, Research Division - MDOne of things I think I'm just going to throw it out and start that when Willis merged with Towers Watson, there was a little bit of a rocky start on the growth profile on the insurance brokerage side. And I want to ask you, how do you feel in terms of getting -- enabling investors to have confidence that all the growth issues have kind of been ironed out, what happened initially, and that you'd be able