Sep 11, 2019 / 03:45PM GMT
Jessica Jean Reif Ehrlich - BofA Merrill Lynch, Research Division - MD in Equity Research
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and a lot has changed under your watch. You acquired Scripps, cost-optimized the combined business, secured rights to the PGA outside the U.S., restructured Scripps' former UKTV joint venture and launched a streaming initiative with BBC, just to name a few. We want to get all of these topics and actually some more today.
Questions and Answers:
Jessica Jean Reif Ehrlich - BofA Merrill Lynch, Research Division - MD in Equity ResearchBut before we do, can you talk about what your key finance priorities are for the company over the next, let's say, 12 to 24 months?
Gunnar Wiedenfels - Discovery, Inc. - CFO
Sure. Good morning, everyone. Thank you for having us here today. Indeed, it does feel like a lot more than 2.5 years, given everything that happened over that period of time. Looking forward, the priorities are going to continue to be very similar to the priorities over the past 24 months.