Sep 14, 2022 / 04:15PM GMT
Kane Hannan - Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., Research Division - Research Analyst
Good morning, everyone. I'm Kane, the firm's Australian TMT analyst, and pleased to be joined by Robert Thomson, the CEO of News Corp. I really appreciate your time, Robert. Lovely to be back in person.
Questions and Answers:
Kane Hannan - Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., Research Division - Research AnalystSo maybe just to kick things off, obviously, we're in a very different environment to the one we spoke in last year. Maybe just at a high level, could you talk about sort of how the increase in inflation, cost of living pressures that are going through globally having an impact on your business but how we think about the revenue levers that you have to offset some of these costs?
Robert J. Thomson - News Corporation - CEO & Director
Thanks, Kane. Well, inflation is not going to be transitory as rumored. It's neither ephemeral but nor is it eternal. It's somewhere between ephemeral and eternal. But its impact in the short and medium