Jun 05, 2019 / 01:30PM GMT
Entcho Raykovski - Crédit Suisse AG - Research Division - Research Analyst
I think we're on. So for those who don't know me, my name is Entcho Raykovski, and I cover Australian media at CS. I'd like to welcome Susan Panuccio, CFO of News Corp. Susan, thank you for joining us.
Susan Lee Panuccio - News Corporation - CFO
Thanks, Entcho.
Questions and Answers:
Entcho Raykovski - Crédit Suisse AG - Research Division - Research AnalystIf I can start today with a question that I know you get a lot but, I think it is still very much relevant. Now following the consolidation of Foxtel into the group, reported net cash has reduced substantially, but you still hold a fairly large cash balance, about $1.6 billion. So how do you think about balancing capital management versus further investment particularly in the context of that large cash balance?
Susan Lee Panuccio - News Corporation - CFO
Yes. You're right, we do get a