Jan 05, 2023 / 02:45PM GMT
Salveen Jaswal Richter - Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., Research Division - VP
Great. Good morning, everyone. Thanks so much for joining us. We're really pleased to have Herve Hoppenot, Chairman, President and CEO of Incyte with us. And in the audience, we do have Christiana Stamoulis, CFO, as well. So thank you both.
Questions and Answers:
Salveen Jaswal Richter - Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., Research Division - VPHerve, just to start here, a high-level outlook. Product diversification for Incyte has been a focus. And as you stand today with Jakafi, Pemazyre, Monjuvi, Opzelura, and the current pipeline, what is your outlook for the business at this point and growth in the medium and long term?
Herve Hoppenot - Incyte Corporation - Chairman, President & CEO
Salveen, thank you for inviting me. It's a pleasure to start the year here and speak about Incyte. So Incyte is obviously about innovation and growth. I mean that's really what the agenda is for us and has been for the past 5 years. And if you look back at