Nov 01, 2022 / 05:00PM GMT
Anna Carolina Jolly -
All right. So just because we're running up against time, I'll introduce the next company. We have Genuine Parts, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. GPC is one of the largest global distributors of automotive aftermarket and industrial parts, 140 million shares at $165, market cap of $23 billion, net debt of $2.6 billion, for an enterprise value of $25 billion. Presenting today is Paul Donahue, CEO; William Stengel, President; and Bert Nappier, CFO. Paul, Will and Bert, thank you for being here today.
Paul D. Donahue - Genuine Parts Company - Chairman & CEO
[Thanks for having us].
Questions and Answers:
Anna Carolina Jolly -Sorry, it's for the cameras. Once again, thank you for being here. I think we'll just start with an introductory question, kind of if you could give a brief description of your 2 business segments and your overall business strategy over the next few years.
Paul D. Donahue - Genuine Parts Company - Chairman & CEO
Sure. Well, thank you