Mar 15, 2022 / 12:05PM GMT
Bryan D. Kraft - Deutsche Bank AG, Research Division - Senior Analyst
Okay. Good morning, everyone, and welcome to day 2 of our conference. I'm really pleased to introduce John Nallen, who is the Chief Operating Officer of Fox. John, welcome.
John P. Nallen - Fox Corporation - COO
Thanks, Bryan. Thanks for having us. Good to see everyone in person.
Questions and Answers:
Bryan D. Kraft - Deutsche Bank AG, Research Division - Senior AnalystWhy don't we maybe start off with strategy and capital allocation? The past few years have been pretty tumultuous times in media with major strategic shifts, M&A in nearly every company in the industry. Fox made its major moves early with the Disney transactions and a strategic shift toward live sports and news. How satisfied are you and the rest of the management team with the results so far?
John P. Nallen - Fox Corporation - COO
I'd say we're quite satisfied with what's gone on in the last 3 years, but not -- we're not