Aug 12, 2020 / 07:00PM GMT
Alexander Kramm - UBS Investment Bank, Research Division - Executive Director and Equity Research Analyst of Exchanges, Ebrokers
Hi, everyone. Welcome back. This is the UBS Financials Conference in a virtual format this year. I'm Alex Kramm, Senior Research Analyst covering U.S. exchanges, rating agencies, information services companies and real estate brokers.
Next up here is FactSet. We're delighted to have FactSet's, I want to say newish but actually not that new anymore, CFO Helen Shan with us. And since there's no formal presentation, we'll just keep this hopefully a fairly casual fireside chat without the fire here. But maybe just to get started.
So again, first of all, thank you for being here and taking the time.
Helen L. Shan - FactSet Research Systems Inc. - Executive VP & CFO
That's all right.
Questions and Answers:
Alexander Kramm - UBS Investment Bank, Research Division - Executive Director and Equity Research Analyst of Exchanges, EbrokersGiven that the audience may not