Jun 12, 2023 / 07:15PM GMT
Betsy Lynn Graseck - Morgan Stanley, Research Division - MD
Okay. Disclosure first and then intro. For important disclosures, please see Morgan Stanley research disclosure website at morganstanley.com/researchdisclosures. The taking of photographs and use of recording devices is also not allowed. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Morgan Stanley sales representative.
Okay. With that as a backdrop, I am thrilled to have with us today, Bridget Engle, Chief Information Officer and Head of Engineering at BNY Mellon. Thanks so much for joining us.
Bridget E. Engle - The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation - Chief Information Officer & Head of Engineering
Thank you for having me.
Questions and Answers:
Betsy Lynn Graseck - Morgan Stanley, Research Division - MDBridget, so you've had a very varied experience in technology in a variety of different financial organizations. And BNY Mellon has just so many different parts of all of those threads; wealth, global markets, payments, et cetera.