Sep 12, 2023 / 04:55PM GMT
Adam Michael Jonas - Morgan Stanley, Research Division - MD
Thanks, everybody. Delighted to have representing Aptiv Chairman and CEO, Kevin Clark; and Chief Financial Officer, Joe Massaro, who is also Senior Vice President of the business. Thank you. Thanks for joining us.
Kevin P. Clark - Aptiv PLC - President, Chairman & CEO
Thanks for having us.
Adam Michael Jonas - Morgan Stanley, Research Division - MD
Nothing going on in your industry, just another day at the office, right?
Kevin P. Clark - Aptiv PLC - President, Chairman & CEO
A lot going in. A lot of good things going on.
Questions and Answers:
Adam Michael Jonas - Morgan Stanley, Research Division - MDWhat are you most excited about, you want to convey to the audience at the top?
Kevin P. Clark - Aptiv PLC - President, Chairman & CEO
I would say, most excited about the momentum in and around re-architecture