Aug 09, 2022 / 07:05PM GMT
Ryan J. Brinkman - JPMorgan Chase & Co, Research Division - Senior Equity Research Analyst
Okay. Once again, I'm Ryan Brinkman, the U.S. automotive equity research analyst at JPMorgan. Very happy to get going with our next presentation, always very informative to have Aptiv with us including next to me, Joseph Massaro, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer; and next to him, Kevin Clark, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
So with that, Kevin and Joe, thanks so much for coming to the conference.
Kevin P. Clark - Aptiv PLC - President, Chairman & CEO
Thanks for having us. It's good to be here. It's good to see everyone face-to-face.
Questions and Answers:
Ryan J. Brinkman - JPMorgan Chase & Co, Research Division - Senior Equity Research AnalystGreat. I thought to start off with some questions, and then we'll open it up to the audience. And I'm going to start with a general industry question, not really necessarily specific to Aptiv and not on Europe. On North America, on