Jun 03, 2021 / 05:10PM GMT
Paul Jonas Silverstein - Cowen and Company, LLC, Research Division - MD & Senior Research Analyst
Good afternoon. Paul Silverstein, senior analyst at Cowen. Thank you for joining us for our 49th Annual TMT Conference. It's my pleasure to have with us this afternoon, John McCool, who is Chief Platform Officer and SVP of Engineering and Operations at Arista. I've had the pleasure of knowing John for many, many years, going back to your previous life at Cisco. John, thank you for joining us. Greatly appreciate it.
John F. McCool - Arista Networks, Inc. - Chief Platform Officer & Senior VP of Engineering Operations
Paul, great to be here as always. Thank you.
Questions and Answers:
Paul Jonas Silverstein - Cowen and Company, LLC, Research Division - MD & Senior Research AnalystWhy don't, for the benefit of those who don't know you, and they should, but for those of you who perhaps don't, what's your role out at Arista? And what are your key areas of responsibility?
John F. McCool<