Q-xcl Holdings I (vi) Investment Partners, Llc - Net Worth and Insider Trading

Q-xcl Holdings I (vi) Investment Partners, Llc Insider Ownership Reports

Based on ownership reports from SEC filings, as the reporting owner, Q-xcl Holdings I (vi) Investment Partners, Llc owns 1 companies in total, including EQT Corp (EQT) .

Click here to see the complete history of Q-xcl Holdings I (vi) Investment Partners, Llc’s form 4 insider trades.

Insider Ownership Summary of Q-xcl Holdings I (vi) Investment Partners, Llc

Ticker Comapny Transaction Date Type of Owner
EQT EQT Corp 2023-09-14 10 percent owner

Q-xcl Holdings I (vi) Investment Partners, Llc Trading Performance

Please note GuruFocus will not track the insiders’ transaction performance if he/she does not have buying transactions.

Q-xcl Holdings I (vi) Investment Partners, Llc Ownership Network

Ownership Network List of Q-xcl Holdings I (vi) Investment Partners, Llc

No Data

Ownership Network Relation of Q-xcl Holdings I (vi) Investment Partners, Llc

Insider Network Chart

Q-xcl Holdings I (vi) Investment Partners, Llc Owned Company Details

What does EQT Corp do?

Who are the key executives at EQT Corp?

Q-xcl Holdings I (vi) Investment Partners, Llc is the 10 percent owner of EQT Corp. Other key executives at EQT Corp include EVP and General Counsel William E. Jordan , Chief Human Resources Officer Lesley Evancho , and 10 percent owner Qem Vi, Llc .

EQT Corp (EQT) Insider Trades Summary

Over the past 18 months, Q-xcl Holdings I (vi) Investment Partners, Llc made no insider transaction in EQT Corp (EQT). Other recent insider transactions involving EQT Corp (EQT) include a net sale of 20,000,000 shares made by Vanloh S Wil Jr , a net sale of 46,884 shares made by Lesley Evancho , and a net sale of 45,922 shares made by Thomas F Karam .

In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 45,922 shares of EQT Corp (EQT) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 45,922 shares. During the past 18 months, 20,127,806 shares of EQT Corp (EQT) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 20,127,806 shares.

EQT Corp (EQT)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.


EQT Corp Insider Transactions

No Available Data

Q-xcl Holdings I (vi) Investment Partners, Llc Mailing Address

Above is the net worth, insider trading, and ownership report for Q-xcl Holdings I (vi) Investment Partners, Llc. You might contact Q-xcl Holdings I (vi) Investment Partners, Llc via mailing address: 800 Capitol Street, Suite 3600, Houston Tx 77002.

Discussions on Q-xcl Holdings I (vi) Investment Partners, Llc

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