A1 Capital Advisory Asia Ltd - Net Worth and Insider Trading

A1 Capital Advisory Asia Ltd Insider Ownership Reports

Based on ownership reports from SEC filings, as the reporting owner, A1 Capital Advisory Asia Ltd owns 2 companies in total, including EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp II (EDTXU) , and EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp II (EDTX) .

Click here to see the complete history of A1 Capital Advisory Asia Ltd’s form 4 insider trades.

Insider Ownership Summary of A1 Capital Advisory Asia Ltd

Ticker Comapny Transaction Date Type of Owner
EDTXU EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp II 2022-11-15 10 percent owner
EDTX EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp II 2022-11-15 10 percent owner

A1 Capital Advisory Asia Ltd Trading Performance

Please note GuruFocus will not track the insiders’ transaction performance if he/she does not have buying transactions.

A1 Capital Advisory Asia Ltd Ownership Network

Ownership Network List of A1 Capital Advisory Asia Ltd

No Data

Ownership Network Relation of A1 Capital Advisory Asia Ltd

Insider Network Chart

A1 Capital Advisory Asia Ltd Owned Company Details

What does EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp II do?

Who are the key executives at EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp II?

A1 Capital Advisory Asia Ltd is the 10 percent owner of EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp II. Other key executives at EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp II include director & 10 percent owner & Chief Executive Officer Benjamin Vedrenne-cloquet , director & 10 percent owner & Chairman and Chief Investment Charles Mcintyre , and 10 percent owner Ibis Capital Sponsor Ii Edtechx Llc .

EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp II (EDTXU) Insider Trades Summary

In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp II (EDTXU) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp II (EDTXU) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.

EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp II (EDTXU)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.


EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp II Insider Transactions

No Available Data

A1 Capital Advisory Asia Ltd Mailing Address

Above is the net worth, insider trading, and ownership report for A1 Capital Advisory Asia Ltd. You might contact A1 Capital Advisory Asia Ltd via mailing address: 22 Soho Square, London X0 W1d 4ns.

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