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Last update 2024-11-14 | 203 Stocks (100 new) |
Value $703.00 Mil | Turnover 74 % |
Portfolio Report |
Stevens Capital Management LP is a hedge fund sponsor based out of Radnor, Pennsylvania. The company was originally established in 2002 by Matthew Stevens Tewksbury, who continues to have an active role in the company today acting as its CEO and Chairman. Stevens Capital Management conducts its research internally and externally, utilizing a quantitative methodology to make its investment decisions. The company utilizes a short sales strategy and invests in the public equity markets on a global scale, invests in a wide variety of investment instruments for both short and long term positions. Stevens Capital Management invests most heavily in the information technology, consumer discretionary, and finance sectors, which each make up a sixth of its total asset allocations, and also invests in the health care, consumer staples, industrials, utilities and telecommunications, materials, and real estate sectors, among other sectors to a lesser degree, in order of decreasing allocation. The company holds, on average, its holdings for 3.3 quarters and has had a turnover rate of approximately 97.2% in the most recent quarter. Stevens Capital Management’s holdings are diversified with its top 10 holdings making up just 13% of its total and its highest holding in Apple Inc. only reaching 1.5% of its total holdings. The company currently operates with 64 employees of which 26 are investment professionals. Stevens Capital Management oversees almost $6 billion in total assets under management spread across just 2 accounts, both of which are discretionary accounts. Although its total number of accounts has stayed the same in recent years, its total assets under management has been somewhat volatile, having once been as high as $6.9 billion back in 2014. Stevens Capital Management currently caters exclusively to pooled investment vehicles and takes advisory fees based on a mixture of percentage of assets and various performance based fees.
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