ZHU XIAO LONG @ SHANG TOU MO GEN JI JIN's SHANG TOU MO GEN DA PAN LAN CHOU GU PIAO has disclosed 56 total holdings in their latest filing with the local authority for the
portfolio date of 2024-06-30. The current portfolio value is calculated to be $163.00 Mil, only including common equities, preferred equities, ETFs, options and warrants for equities. The turnover rate is 78%.
In SHANG TOU MO GEN DA PAN LAN CHOU GU PIAO's current portfolio as of 2024-06-30, the top 5 holdings are
Guangxi Liugong Machinery Co Ltd (SZSE:000528), Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co Ltd (SZSE:002384), Luxshare Precision Industry Co Ltd (SZSE:002475), Dongfang Electric Corp Ltd (SHSE:600875) and Zhejiang Jiuli Hi-Tech Metals Co Ltd (SZSE:002318),
not including call and put options.
SHANG TOU MO GEN DA PAN LAN CHOU GU PIAO did not buy any new stocks in the current portfolio.
Please visit the "Current Portfolio" tab to see the China fund's current and past holdings for SHANG TOU MO GEN DA PAN LAN CHOU GU PIAO, as well as holding map,
valuations for each stock, which positions are undervalued, have low PE Ratios, are considered high quality and recently traded at 52-week lows, etc.
Please visit the "Stock Picks" tab to see the China fund's latest trades and stock picks for SHANG TOU MO GEN DA PAN LAN CHOU GU PIAO.
Please visit the "Summary" page to see the top 10 holdings, recent stock picks, performance, sector / industry breakdown details, as well as past holding history summary for SHANG TOU MO GEN DA PAN LAN CHOU GU PIAO.