Matthews China Fund | MCHFXMutual Fund | |
Matthews China Fund | |
Last update 2024-11-04 | 61 Stocks (1 new) |
Value $419.00 Mil | Turnover 1 % |
Portfolio Report |
Matthews China Fund Profile
Under normal circumstances, the Matthews China Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing at least 80% of its net assets, which include borrowings for investment purposes, in the common and preferred stocks of companies located in China. The fund's inception is February 1998.
Matthews China Fund Investing Philosophy
The Fund seeks to invest in companies capable of sustainable growth based on the fundamental characteristics of those companies, including balance sheet information; number of employees; size and stability of cash flow; management’s depth, adaptability and integrity; product lines; marketing strategies; corporate governance; and financial health.
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Matthews China Fund Total Holding History ($B)
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Matthews China Fund Past Portfolios
Portfolio Date | Number of Stocks | New Stocks | Total Value ($Mil) | Q/Q Turnover |
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Matthews China Fund's Yearly Returns
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