BofA Merrill Lynch U.S. Corporate Master Index : 3383.2 (As of 2024-10-10)


Historical Data

YOY (%)
Total 10022

Basic Info

BofA Merrill Lynch U.S. Corporate Master Index was 3383.2 as of 2024-10-10, according to Merrill. Historically, BofA Merrill Lynch U.S. Corporate Master Index reached a record high of 3587.15 and a record low of 91.79, the median value is 1522.67. Typical value range is from 2 to 3. The Year-Over-Year growth is 13.2%. GuruFocus provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for BofA Merrill Lynch U.S. Corporate Master Index - last updated on 2024-10-10.

Daily, Close , not seasonally adjusted . This data represents the BofA Merrill Lynch US Corporate Master Index value, which tracks the performance of US dollar denominated investment grade rated corporate debt publically issued in the US domestic market. To qualify for inclusion in the index, securities must have an investment grade rating and an investment grade rated country of risk. Each security must have greater than 1 year of remaining maturity, a fixed coupon schedule, and a minimum amount outstanding of $250 million. Original issue zero coupon bonds, "global" securities (debt issued simultaneously in the eurobond and US domestic bond markets), 144a securities and pay-in-kind securities, including toggle notes, qualify for inclusion in the Index. Callable perpetual securities qualify provided they are at least one year from the first call date. Fixed-to-floating rate securities also qualify provided they are callable within the fixed rate period and are at least one year from the last call prior to the date the bond transitions from a fixed to a floating rate security. DRD-eligible and defaulted securities are excluded from the Index BofA Merrill Lynch Explains the Construction Methodology of this series as: Index constituents are capitalization-weighted based on their current amount outstanding. With the exception of U.S. mortgage pass-throughs and U.S. structured products (ABS, CMBS and CMOs), accrued interest is calculated assuming next-day settlement. Accrued interest for U.S. mortgage pass-through and U.S. structured products is calculated assuming same-day settlement. Cash flows from bond payments that are received during the month are retained in the index until the end of the month and then are removed as part of the rebalancing. Cash does not earn any reinvestment income while it is held in the Index. The Index is rebalanced on the last calendar day of the month, based on information available up to and including the third business day before the last business day of the month. Issues that meet the qualifying criteria are included in the Index for the following month. Issues that no longer meet the criteria during the course of the month remain in the Index until the next month-end rebalancing at which point they are removed from the Index. When the last calendar day of the month takes place on the weekend, weekend observations will occur as a result of month ending accrued interest adjustments. Source BofA Merrill Lynch, used with permission. BOFA MERRILL LYNCH IS LICENSING THE BOFA MERRILL LYNCH INDICES "AS IS," MAKES NO WARRANTIES REGARDING THE SAME, DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE SUITABILITY, QUALITY, ACCURACY, TIMELINESS, AND/ OR COMPLETENESS OF THE BOFA MERRILL LYNCH INDICIES OR ANY DATA INCLUDED IN, RELATED TO, OR DERIVED THEREFROM, ASSUMES NO LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR USE, AND DOES NOT SPONSOR, ENDORSE, OR RECOMMEND, [FRBSL], OR ANY OF ITS PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. Copyright, 2016, Bank of America Corporation. Reprinted with permission.

Category Money, Banking, & Finance
Region USA
Source Merrill


Name Value
Last Value 3383.2
Latest Period 2024-10-10
Long Term Average 3,027.68
Average Annualized Growth Rate +7.03%
Value from The Previous Market Day 3382.65
Change from The Previous Market Day +0.02%
Value from 1 year ago 3004
Change from 1 year ago +12.62%
Frequency Daily
Unit Index
Download Source BAMLCC0A0CMTRIV.txt

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