Celsius Holdings Inc, Huge Run, but could it be a takeover target for KO?

Garret Cohen Dec 30, 2022

I don't like investing based on speculating on what could be a take over target, but I feel like this company could check all the boxes to fit into KO's beverage portfolio? Just wanted to get peoples thoughts? I saw these guys in costco the other day, which is what started my curiousity into them. Haven't done much homework on them, but wanted to find out if this company is on anyone radar, and if so why you guys find it interesting. To me, it looks like it just about to go profitable, which in my view means this could still have a lot of runway for gains even if it doesn't get a taken over.

Please share your thoughts and comments.



Praveen Chawla Dec 31, 2022

The stock has gone ballistic. Looks like perhaps discussions are happening.